Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Goal 17 is about "Partnerships for the goals." One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015, the official wording is: "Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development". SDG 17 refers to the need for the non-hegemonic and fair cross sector and cross-country collaborations in pursuit of all the goals by the year 2030. It is a call for countries to align policies. SDG 17 is a vision for improved and more equitable trade, as well as coordinated investment initiatives to promote sustainable development across borders. The Goal has 17 targets to be achieved by 2030, broken down into five categories: finance, technology, capacity building, trade and systemic issues. 

Relationships with NGOs for SDG policy

Baku Eurasian University is directly involved in developing SDG policies and strategies, as well as identifying problems and challenges with the help of both national government and regional non-government organizations.

The agreements were signed between with Support for Innovations and Development Public Union and Development issues of democracy Public Union. The protocols were signed within the framework of joint activities, project studies, collaborations and sustainable development goals within the scope of training and improvement activities.

Cross sectoral dialogue about SDGs

Baku Eurasian University initiates and participate in cross-sectoral dialogue about the SDGs, e.g. conferences involving government or NGOs. Baku Eurasian University, Bandırma "17 Eylül" University, Istanbul Gelişim University, Tekirdag University, as well as "Recycling Economy and Sustainability" academic journal and IKSAD Institute jointly organized the International Congress "Recycling Economy and Sustainability Policies" with the participation of a number of non-governmental organizations of Azerbaijan On the 12 of October in 2023. 82 participants from 13 countries attended the conference (Turkey, Azerbaijan, India, Brazil, Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia, Tunisia, Iraq, Romania, Ethiopia, Ireland, and Nigeria) with 45 reports.

Education for SDGs: specific courses on sustainability

Baku Eurasian University offers sustainability courses focused on solving current and future world challenges, all aligned with the SDGs.


Understanding Gender Equality

Gender equality and women’s empowerment is an important piece of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals under SDG 5. This course is about the theory and practice of gender equality and structured by Baku Eurasian University, open to general public and it is free of charge.

Diversity and Inclusion in Education

Diversity and Inclusion in Education is an important piece of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals under SDG4. Diversity is everything that makes people different from each other. This includes many different factors: race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, ability, age, religious belief, or political conviction. All these factors work together to inform how students and teachers and everyone else encounter the world. This course is about the theory and practice of gender equality and structured by Baku Eurasian University, open to general public and it is free of charge.

Education for SDGs in the wider community

Baku Eurasian University has dedicated outreach educational activities for the wider community.
Outreach activities:
"Strong Woman - Strong Future"
The training of the "Strong woman - strong future" project is led by the chairman of the Student Youth Organization of Baku Eurasian University. The training has been held with the participation of approximately 30 active young girls of Baku Eurasian College.