It was discussed and approved at the
meeting №ES06-02/23 of Scientific
Council at Baku Eurasian University
on 24.02.2023.
Anti-corruption policy of Baku Eurasian University
1. Basic provisions
1.1.The anti-corruption policy of the Baku Eurasian University includes the prevention of
1.2.The anti-corruption policy was developed in accordance with the Criminal Code of the
1.3.The purpose of the anti-corruption policy is to ensure the complex and coordinated
1.4. The objectives of the Anti-Corruption Policy are as follows:
1.4.1. Information about the legal basis of anti-corruption work and responsibility for
1.4.2. Determining the main directions of corruption prevention in the activity of Baku
1.4.3. Development of intolerance to corrupt behavior among employees and students of Baku
1.5. The anti-corruption policy applies to employees and students of the Baku Eurasian University, to persons who provide services (perform work) based on civil contracts concluded with the Baku Eurasian University.
1.6. Employees and students of the Baku Eurasian University, as well as persons providing services (doing work) under civil contracts concluded with the Baku Eurasian University are responsible for non-compliance with the Anti-Corruption Policy in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
1.7. Revision and amendments to the Anti-Corruption Policy are carried out based on the results of the monitoring of the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures, standards and procedures carried out by the Baku Eurasia University, as well as the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the fight against corruption, when there are changes in the labor legislation.
2. Terms and definitions
As part of the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Policy, the following terms and concepts are used:
2.1. Corruption - illegal acquisition of material and other benefits, privileges or concessions by officials using their status, the status of the body (institution) they represent, their official powers or the opportunities arising from those status and powers, as well as those mentioned by individuals and legal entities is the capture of those officials by illegally offering or promising or giving material and other benefits, privileges or concessions to officials. Corruption is also the commission of the listed actions on behalf of a legal entity or for its benefit (Law No. 580-IIQ dated January 13, 2004 of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Combating Corruption").
2.2. Fight against corruption:
1) prevention of corruption, including identification and elimination of the causes of corruption (corruption prevention);
2) to identify, prevent, disclose and investigate corruption offenses (fighting against corruption);
3) to minimize and (or) eliminate the consequences of corruption offenses.
All state bodies, local self-government bodies, institutions and officials carry out the fight against corruption within their powers. When the commission of offenses related to corruption creates administrative or criminal responsibility, the fight against corruption is carried out by law enforcement agencies in the manner established by legislation (Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 580-IIQ dated January 13, 2004 "On the fight against corruption" 4th article).
2.3. Corruption warning is an activity of Baku Eurasian University aimed at implementing elements of corporate culture, rules and procedures regulated by internal regulations that ensure the prevention of corruption offenses.
2.4. Bribery - obtaining money, securities, other property by an official personally or through an intermediary, or providing him with illegal property services, granting other property rights due to the commission of actions (inaction) in favor of the person giving the bribe or the persons represented by him.
2.5. Commercial bribery - illegal giving of money, securities, other property to a person who performs management functions in a commercial or other organization, providing him with property services, giving him other property rights to perform actions (inaction) in accordance with the interests of the bribe giver in connection with the position held by this person.
2.6. Conflict of interest - when the personal interest of the employee (representative of the organization) (directly or indirectly) affects or may affect the proper performance of his official (labor) duties, causes or may create a conflict between employees, personal interest of the employee (representative of the organization) a situation where the interests and rights and legal interests of citizens, organizations may harm the rights and legal interests of citizens, the property and (or) business reputation of the organization to which it belongs.
Conflict of interests of academic staff - a situation in which a pedagogic worker has personal interests in obtaining material benefits or other advantages while performing his professional activities, and there is a conflict between his personal interests and the interests of the student, his parents (legal representatives), which affects the proper performance of the teacher's professional duties.
2.7. Personal interest of the employee (representative of the organization) - the interest of the employee (representative of the organization) related to the opportunity to receive income in the form of money, valuables, other property or services for himself or third parties while performing official duties.
3. Basic principles of anti-corruption activity at Baku Eurasian University
3.1. The principle of compliance of the Anti-Corruption Policy with the existing legislation and generally accepted norms.
Compliance of anti-corruption measures implemented with the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other normative legal acts applicable to the Baku Eurasian University.
3.2. The personal role model principle of leadership.
The main role of the management of the Eurasian University of Baku in creating a culture of zero tolerance for corruption and creating an internal system for preventing and fighting corruption.
3.3. The principle of involvement of employees and students.
Informing BAAU employees and students about the provisions of anti-corruption legislation and their active participation in the formation and implementation of anti-corruption standards and procedures.
3.4. The principle of proportionality of anti-corruption procedures to the risk of corruption.
The preparation and implementation of a complex of measures to reduce the possibility of involvement of employees and students in corruption activities of the Baku Eurasian University is carried out taking into account the risks of corruption existing in the activity of the Baku Eurasian University.
3.5. Principle of effectiveness of anti-corruption procedures.
3.6. The principle of inevitability of responsibility and punishment.
3.7. The principle of openness.
3.8. The principle of constant control and regular monitoring.
4. Duties of BAAU employees and students to prevent and fight corruption
4.1. Employees and students of the Baku Eurasian University are obliged to:
4.1.1. refrain from committing and (or) participating in the commission of corruption offenses;
4.1.2. refrain from behavior that could be interpreted by others as being willing to commit or participate in the commission of a corruption offense;
4.1.3. Immediately inform the BAAU official who is responsible for the implementation of anti-corruption measures in accordance with the division of powers established in the BAAU about cases of incitement to commit corruption offenses;
4.1.4. To immediately report information about cases of corruption offenses committed by other employees and students;
4.1.5. To inform direct management about the conflict of interest that has occurred or the possibility of a conflict of interest;
4.1.6. To perform other duties on prevention and fight against corruption, determined by the internal rules of the Baku Eurasian University.
5. List of anti-corruption measures, standards and procedures and the order of their implementation
5.1. The following anti-corruption measures, standards and procedures are implemented at the Baku Eurasian University:
5.1.1. implementation of a unified anti-corruption policy and regulatory support in the field of corruption prevention, including: Approval and application of the Anti-Corruption Policy, as well as other internal normative acts of the Baku Eurasian University and documents defining anti-corruption measures, standards and procedures; Adoption and implementation of ethical code of conduct for BAAU employees; Approval of the anti-corruption plan of Baku Eurasian University for certain periods; Inclusion of a standard anti-corruption clause in contracts related to BAAU's economic activity; Inclusion of anti-corruption clauses in the labor contracts of BAAU employees;
5.1.2. Conducting and informing BAAU employees and students on the issues of preventing and fighting corruption, as well as the development of intolerance to corrupt behavior;
5.1.3. Checking compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the fight against corruption in BAAU.
5.2. The prevention of corruption and the implementation of anti-corruption measures, standards and procedures at the Baku Eurasian University are carried out in accordance with the approved anti-corruption plan at the Baku Eurasian University.
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